Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Wonder Weeks March 28, 2017 at 09:48PM

via Facebook "Your baby’s brain is only 25% developed at birth and grows exponentially in the first few years of life. Frequent night-time nursing and the essential fatty-acids it provides helps build an extraordinary number of synaptic pathways. Brain development goes hand in hand with physical development. Therefore when your baby learns to crawl or walk the extra neurological construction is immense. In turn, the nutritional needs increase and night-time feedings do too. Similarly as your baby grows they begin to discriminate between attachment figures - with this new consciousness comes the possibility of separation anxiety. This anxiety can exist at night where it may not have done before and is a normal expression of the meaningfulness of a secure attachment. In other words, the ebb and flow of how much sleep or sleep-waking occurs is dependent on your child’s milestones, myriad day-time experiences and the stimulating loving interactions on which they thrive."

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