Sunday, February 10, 2019

FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix 2019-02-09T20:08:09.000Z

This documentary is awesome! But one the most unsettling questions is: why would so many people (including experienced investors) believe in these so-called millennial visionaries who dropped out of college with no actual life experience dealing with huge business ventures? The disastrous Theranos is another cautionary tale (by the way, "Bad Blood" written by John Carreyrou was another awesome read. I couldn't put it down during the entire weekend). They don't even have the technical training to back them up. Perhaps that's one of the peculiarities in the startup world - the strong ability to "bullshit" is gold 😱
via Facebook An exclusive behind the scenes look at the infamous unraveling of the Fyre music festival. Launching globally on Netflix on January 18, 2019. Created by Bill...

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